
Same Genes, Different Genres, Feature in Okotokian Magazine with Simon Doty

Same Genes, Different Genres, Feature in Okotokian Magazine with Simon Doty

Ellen and her big brother Simon Doty (house music DJ and producer) were featured in their hometown magazine The Okotokian. 

Songstress Exploring New Horizons

Songstress Exploring New Horizons

Singer/songwriter Ellen Doty, a 2006 Holy Trinity Academy graduate, is one of nine professional Alberta songwriters selected to write and record songs for the Canadian Songwriters’ Challenge at OCL Studios east of Calgary July 14 to 17. In groups of three, the artists will collaborate on two to three demo-ready songs, often delving into genres they’ve never explored, under the mentorship of Canadian singer Mike Plume of the Songwriting Association of Canada.